
Now (Recently)

Where I’m at, what I’m focused on, and what I’m not.

Right now, I'm working remotely for Qstrike Innovations Phils., OPC. We create cool 3D customizer apps that help sports teams in the USA design awesome logos for their jerseys.

When I'm not building stuff, I love diving into open-source projects. I'm always trying to learn new things and stay up-to-date with the latest tech.

Dashboard stats of @bkpecho

I'm super excited for Hacktoberfest 2024! Last year was a blast, and I can't wait to contribute to some awesome projects again. Check out my Hacktoberfest wins on my Holopin Board.

Holopin Board of @bkpecho

Outside of coding, I've been prioritizing my well-being. Home workouts, quality sleep, and discovering new coffee shops in Cavite have become essential parts of my routine. It's a refreshing way to unwind and recharge.

This page is inspired by Derek Sivers's /now page. It's a great way to share what you're up to now. If you have your own site, consider creating one too—it's a good reminder of your priorities and a public statement of your values.

Last Modified: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 3:18 AM
Location: Cavite, Philippines
Committed by: @bkpecho